Spooky Noises Turn the Home into a House of Horrors

One in five Brits are kept awake by spooky noises in their homes.

Background of a haunted house stairwell behind 'House of Horrors' text

Almost 5 million1 households in the UK are left unsettled or sleep-deprived by unexplained night-time noises.

  • 22% of UK households kept awake by ‘things that go bump in the night’
  • One in ten (11%) Brits worry household noises are a sign their house is haunted
  • Two fifths (43%) worried about the cost of household fixes, but 11% put off fixing problems

New research conducted by HomeServe, a leading home assistance provider, reveals that a hauntingly high number of UK adults, nearly three-quarters (72%), have encountered at least one unsettling issue in their homes. The most common of these eerie disturbances include squeaky floors or doors (34%), leaky taps (28%) and radiators that fail to provide proper heat (25%).

However, their woes didn't end there. When they reached out for help 27% of UK adults found themselves in a real-life ghosting scenario — reaching out to a tradesperson and never hearing back from them again.

The spectre of home maintenance concerns looms large, with 43% expressing apprehension about the costs associated with fixing issues in their homes, while a third (32%) are haunted by the relentless quest to find time for these repairs.

As the winter months approach, over a quarter (26%) are gripped by fear at the thought of their boiler breaking down, and more than half (58%) believing that more issues tend to arise around the home during the winter.

Gas Engineer at HomeServe, Brian Sweeney comments:

"This Halloween, our aim is to shed light on the mysterious occurrences that often haunt our homes and to provide homeowners with effective solutions to the most common unearthly issues. It's essential to remember that addressing a noisy radiator can be a straightforward remedy, as simple as bleeding them. This process not only alleviates pressure but also restores them to their optimal functionality, ensuring a peaceful and ghost-free atmosphere once more."

The research also revealed that when home issues do occur, just a third (33%) of Brits call in professional help, while a quarter (25%) embark on the treacherous journey of fixing these issues themselves. However, a tenth of homeowners (11%) opt for an altogether more worrying approach, either procrastinating (7%) or completely ignoring the issue (4%). This is particularly disconcerting, as nearly two-fifths (37%) fear the potential damage that could be wrought by unresolved issues within their homes.


For more information, or to arrange a media interview, please contact:

Liam Reeves – Third City

Telephone: 07398 268 187
Email: liam@thirdcity.co.uk

About the research

Unless otherwise stated, the research was conducted by Opinium Research among 2,002 UK adults between 10.09.2023 - 15.09.2023.

A little bit about HomeServe

As one of the country’s leading home assistance providers, HomeServe has 30 years’ experience looking after UK homes. From plumbing, drainage, boiler, heating, or electrics cover to new boilers and one-off repairs, they're always looking for ways to bring you better care for your home, through their range of products and services. With a nationwide network of Home Experts and a claims line that’s open 24/7, 365 days a year, you can count on them to be there when it matters most.

Diversity and inclusion

HomeServe is proud to promote equality and inclusion through all their partnerships, including Business in the Community, Stonewall, Race at Work Charter and the Business Disability Forum. In recognition of these efforts, they’ve become a signatory of the Race at Work Charter, voted Best Place to Work for Women 2020, achieved accreditation to become a Disability Confident Committed employer and are now ranked in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. In 2021, HomeServe also earned a place on the list of European Great Places to Work.

HomeServe - we’re on our way.

On a nat rep survey of 2000 UK adults, 448 were kept awake at night by house noises. 448 / 2000 * 53188204 (UK adult population) = 11,914,158 (shorthand 11.9 million). Average UK household has 2.4 people – 11,914,158 / 2.4 = 4,964,232 (shorthand 5 million) Population data from ONS.