Nineties icon Mr Motivator launches new home maintenance-inspired yoga poses to de-stress homeowners this winter.
One in three UK adults (34%) find home maintenance stressful during winter – and 30% lack the motivation to tackle these home repairs.
That’s why HomeServe, the home assistance provider that’s been keeping UK homes in shape since 1993, has teamed up with another 90s legend, Mr Motivator, to create six home maintenance inspired yoga poses that offer both a satisfying stretch and a simple solution to winter’s most frustrating fixes.1
And, the research from HomeServe reveals that losing hot water causes the most stress – with two thirds (66%) admitting to be affected by it. This is followed by boilers not functioning properly (65%) and frozen pipes (65%) as temperatures plummet.
Mr. Motivator says: “When your home is acting up, it’s normal to feel stiff and stressed out—which can have a real physical impact on your wellbeing. That’s why, together with HomeServe, I want to give people easy ways to get moving and stretch out the stress while tackling practical tips to keep their home running smoothly.”
And it’s not just the repairs themselves causing a chill – 28% of UK adults say they’re too strapped for cash after Christmas to tackle home issues, while 1 in 6 (17%) admit they’re losing sleep worrying about the cost, urgency, or complexity of winter fixes.
On the HomeServe website, Mr. Motivator shares six yoga-inspired poses and practical tips aimed at making home upkeep feel achievable and stress-free, helping homeowners avoid larger issues down the road:
Tip: Regularly clear sink traps to prevent smelly blockages and keep your water flowing freely. Pouring half a cup of baking powder and one cup of vinegar down your plughole, followed by some boiling water can help to flush everything through.
Tip: Bleed radiators to release trapped air, improving warmth and helping to reduce energy costs.
Tip: Wrap exposed pipes with foam insulation to help prevent freezing and avoid costly bursts during cold snaps.
Discover all six poses and HomeServe’s practical winter tips here.
Chris Houghton, Home Expert at HomeServe, adds: “Winter can leave homes—and homeowners—feeling stretched to their limits. With the Home Stretch campaign, we’re giving people practical tips to tackle common issues while keeping stress at bay.
"These small fixes, combined with Mr. Motivator’s playful stretches, make home maintenance feel achievable and stress-free. And when it’s time to call in the experts, HomeServe is here to help with cover and service plans that offer peace of mind.”
*1Top 10 home maintenance issues causing stress in the winter:
1. No hot water (66%)
2. Boilers not functioning properly (65%)
3. Frozen pipes (65%)
4. Blocked toilets (60%)
5. Cold radiators (56%)
6. Leaky roofs (56%)
. No electricity (56%)
8. Blocked drains (50%)
9. Storm damage (49%)
10. Draughty windows or doors (46%)