Boiler how-to
What to do if your boiler breaks down
22 Apr 2024 • 7 minutes

If you’re reading this, then the chances are that your boiler has stopped working – or, at the very least, you’re concerned that it might.
This guide will make the situation a little more tolerable, explaining exactly what to do if your boiler breaks down. Let’s get your central heating working again.
As well as noticing a lack of heat or hot water within your household, there are some additional common boiler problems to look out for, including:
If you discover that your boiler has stopped working, most modern boilers will display an error code when something has gone wrong. Write down its error number before switching it off, and check if any other gas appliances such as ovens or hobs are working as normal. If not, this may indicate a problem with the gas supply.
Follow this checklist to diagnose the problem with your broken boiler:
Firstly, ensure a switch hasn’t tripped in your fuse box, as this may impact your boiler. If you’ve recently had a power-cut, it may have caused the timer for your boiler to reset. Check that the clock display matches with the current time. If it doesn’t, it’s time to reprogram.
You can usually find the relevant instructions in the programmer manual; if you don’t have a hard copy available, tracking one down online is usually straightforward.
If you’re running a prepaid meter, then running out of credit will cause your supply to cut off and your boiler to stop working.
The ignition lead is vital for your boiler to ignite. If, when trying to ignite your boiler, you hear clicking noises, then a faulty ignition lead or electrode may be to blame. You may also find that the boiler can ignite, but then quickly goes off again. If you have a newer boiler, a fault code will typically appear.
A Gas Safe Registered engineer will be able to test and replace these parts relatively cheaply.
Inside the boiler, there’s a fan which pushes harmful gases out of the boiler and into the flue. If the fan isn’t working, then the boiler will lockout and won’t ignite. Ask a Gas Safe Registered engineer if they can replace the fan in the boiler.
One of the most common reasons why a boiler fails to ignite is because of a problem with the gas flow into your boiler. There could be a blockage or damage which is impacting the gas flow.
Check other gas appliances to see if they’re operating correctly and ensure that the Emergency Control Valve by the gas meter hasn’t been turned off by accident. A Gas Safe Registered engineer will be able to check your gas supply and diagnose any issues for you.
If there is too much or too little gas, then this can cause problems with your boiler. Your boiler is likely to display a fault code if the gas pressure is wrong. Ask a Gas Safe Registered engineer to test the gas pressure throughout your system.
If you think you can smell gas, it’s important that you contact the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999.
Check that your hot water supply is still turned on, if not then contact your water supplier to help investigate the problem.
A boiler will struggle to ignite (or won’t bother at all) if the water pressure is too low. You can check this by looking at the pressure gauge or boiler display. The reading should indicate that the water pressure is between 1 – 2 bars. If the reading is lower than 1 bar, the water pressure is too low.
You can try to repressurise the boiler by following the instructions in the boiler manual. If you can’t find it, you may be able to download your boiler manual online.
Your central heating programmer should be in the ‘on’ position and your thermostat set above room temperature. If the system works based on a timer, it may be that the clock has gone forward or backward and needs to be adjusted.
Due to the cold climate in the UK, it’s incredibly common that the weather can affect your piping system and frozen condensation can easily cause a blockage in the system. This blockage can cause the water to fill up the boiler and prompt a breakdown.
Whilst we advise contacting a qualified Gas Safe Registered engineer to assist you with frozen condensate pipes, you can try using a hot water bottle or pouring warm water onto the end of the pipe, before turning the boiler on and off again.
A pilot light is more common on older boilers and may go out due to a number of reasons. Firstly, you can attempt to ignite the pilot light yourself by following the instructions usually found in your boiler manual or located on the inside of the boiler door.
Remember, you should never attempt to dismantle your boiler or alter it in any way. If you can’t relight the pilot light you will need to call a Gas Safe Registered engineer.
Your modern boiler may show a fault code, helping you diagnose the issue quickly and efficiently. Some problems may be easy enough to fix yourself, whilst others will require the assistance of a Gas Safe Registered engineer.
If you don’t have access to your boiler manual, you should be able to locate it online. The following guides cover the most common boiler fault codes:
Due to the many safety devices on your boiler, there could be many reasons why your boiler won’t ignite. If you can’t see an obvious problem, then you will need a professional diagnosis.
As your boiler is a gas appliance, it’s essential to be safe when trying to resolve any issues. Remember, any work on the gas boiler itself MUST be done by a Gas Safe Registered engineer; it’s against the law for anyone else to do this.
Do not try to alter aspects inside the boiler yourself. If there is anything you are unsure about, it is best to seek the help of a professional.
We’ve got a range of boiler cover options, from a standalone product, to those that include cover for other areas of your home, helping to keep your boiler and gas central heating working as they should be. Some policies even come with a free Boiler Service in the first year.
If your boiler has broken down, keeping warm whilst you wait for it to be repaired can be a challenge. Here are some useful tips for coping without a working boiler:
Regular boiler maintenance is key if you want to prolong the life of your boiler and stay cosy during the colder months of the year. Make sure you turn your boiler on regularly to keep it running efficiently and get into the habit of checking your boiler pressure.
It’s also important to book an annual boiler service, even if your boiler appears to be working fine.
If you’ve tried all of the above and your boiler still isn’t working, get in touch to arrange a visit from one of our Gas Safe Registered engineers who will be able to diagnose the problem and advise on the best solution.
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