New boiler guides
Gas boiler vs electric boiler: Which is best for my home?
13 May 2020 • 4 minutes

New boiler guides
13 May 2020 • 4 minutes
Struggling to choose between a gas boiler or an electric boiler? We’re here to help you understand the differences between these boiler types—including how they run, and some pros and cons to help you decide.
A gas boiler is a heating system that burns gas fuel to heat water for your home. This hot water is then transported through pipes to your radiators, and to either a cylinder or directly to your taps—this provides both heating and hot water to your home.
Gas boilers can either be powered by natural gas or by liquid petroleum gas (LPG). Natural gas boilers get fuel fed through to them from an underground network, whilst LPG boilers have gas stored in bottles or cylinders which need to be replaced regularly.
Unlike gas boilers, electric boilers use electricity to heat the water that is supplied to your taps, cylinders and radiators. These systems can come in the same boiler types as gas boilers, so electric combi boilers are also available.
Gas boiler installations often cost more than electric boiler installations. There are, however, a number of factors that may increase the price, including the complexity of the job. For example, moving the location of your boiler within your home will increase the price of installation.
Gas boilers are generally the cheaper option to run. Per kilowatt-hour, gas can cost up to 4 times less than electricity*. According to USwitch, natural gas is the cheapest option available to consumers, so getting a gas boiler installed in your home could save you money in the long run**.
As electric boilers waste little energy, some may deem that they are more energy efficient. However, the work that goes into producing the electricity that fuels these boilers is carbon intensive and can thus ultimately cause more pollution than gas boilers.
When used efficiently, gas boilers could save you up to £200 on your annual energy bill***.
Gas fuelled boilers require a yearly service to ensure that they are working safely and efficiently. Most manufacturers make annual services a requirement of their manufacturer-backed warranty. Getting a yearly service can give you peace of mind in knowing that your heating system is working effectively.
In contrast, electric boilers do not require a yearly service, though some manufacturers may recommend it. They are typically built with fewer moving parts, so ensuring that repairs are conducted when needed tends to be the only maintenance that is required.
We’re working together with BOXT, who can help you decide on the best heating system for your home. With a range of gas boilers available from leading brands, a qualified BOXT engineer could provide you with a first-class boiler installation as soon as the very next day if you order before 4pm***.
Get a fixed price quote today to find out how much a new boiler installation could cost—you’ll also receive a recommendation for the best boiler for your home.
****Subject to engineer availability
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