Hydrogen boilers: Your complete guide

A graphic depicting a hydrogen boiler on a red background

Hydrogen boilers is a term being bandied about a lot lately, and that’s because the UK has got big plans to switch our current gas supply to hydrogen. Here’s everything you need to know about the world of hydrogen boilers, the potential costs and what the Government’s hydrogen strategy means for you.

Table of contents

  1. When will gas boilers be banned?
  2. What will replace gas boilers in 2025?
  3. What are hydrogen boilers?
  4. What are hydrogen blend ready boilers?
  5. When will hydrogen replace natural gas?
  6. Should I replace my boiler with one that’s hydrogen blend ready?
  7. Get a new hydrogen blend ready boiler from BOXT

When will gas boilers be banned?

Let’s be clear – there’s no gas boiler ban in place or planned for the future. But, from 2025 any new houses that are built won’t have gas boilers installed.

If you decide to upgrade your boiler today, there are already lots of hydrogen blend boiler models on the market, for you to choose from. This means they can accept natural and hydrogen gas. Meanwhile, manufacturers are working hard on their hydrogen-ready offerings, which work with natural gas, but can be modified to run 100% on hydrogen when the time comes.

What will replace gas boilers in 2025?

From 2025, the most common replacement for gas boilers in new build homes will be hydrogen-ready boilers. Other alternatives include air or ground source heat pumps.

A hydrogen blend ready boiler in a kitchen

The average lifespan of a boiler is around 10 to 15 years, so if yours is working as it should then there’s no need to get rid of it. But, if a problem leaves you needing a new one then you should think about future-proofing your home by investing in a hydrogen blend ready boiler, from the likes of Worcester Bosch, Ideal and Vaillant.

What are hydrogen boilers?

Hydrogen boilers are very similar to natural gas boilers. Not only do they look almost identical, but they’re installed in pretty much the same way – connected to the gas mains.

However, under the hood things will look a little different as the components are made specifically for hydrogen gas. This makes them burn differently, so unlike natural gas, the only thing they produce is vapour and not carbon monoxide.

As well as being better for the environment, some of the UK’s biggest boiler manufacturers have promised that their hydrogen-ready models won’t cost any more than a regular natural gas boiler that we use today. A great incentive to jump on the bandwagon sooner rather than later.

What are hydrogen blend ready boilers?

Almost all of the gas appliances we use today are already able to run on a mixture of hydrogen (20%) and natural gas (80%) – this is where the ‘blend’ bit comes from. So, when the UK government starts to increase the amount of ‘green’ gas into the grid, your boiler will continue running as normal.

Then you’ve got hydrogen-ready boilers, which are something very different. These types of boilers are built to burn either natural gas or 100% hydrogen and will be key to enabling the existing gas distribution networks to switch from natural gas to hydrogen.

When will hydrogen replace natural gas?

The change from natural gas to hydrogen gas isn’t one that will happen quickly. The government is currently carrying out trials to work through cost, feasibility and safety issues. They’re expected to have a clearer, more defined view on the role that hydrogen will play in heating the country’s homes, by 2026.

Whilst no date have been set in stone, it’s likely that the change will happen gradually in three main stages, to help reduce the hassle and expense for homeowners:

Stage 1

Can gas boilers be converted to hydrogen is a question many of us are asking. Well, boiler manufacturers are working on a new hydrogen-ready standard, which means the boilers they produce will work with natural gas, but can also be converted to run fully on hydrogen in years to come. It’s expected these boilers will start to become available any time from 2023 to 2025.

Stage 2

Experts are looking at the best ways to utilise hydrogen gas in the existing network, with the initial aim of introducing a 20% blend into the existing supply, which most modern boilers will be able to run on. This is going to take some time though, with the roll-out not expected to begin until 2028 at the earliest.

Stage 3

There’s a lot of work to do, so it’s going to take a few decades, but eventually, when the gas supply switches to run on 100% hydrogen, every new boiler sold in the UK will be a hydrogen boiler.

Should I replace my boiler with one that’s hydrogen blend ready?

If you’ve had your boiler for a long time, or if an unexpected breakdown leaves you needing a new one, then your new replacement boiler will likely be hydrogen blend ready as standard. Make the investment now, for when 20% hydrogen is added to our mains, and you’ll already be one step ahead.

That said, natural gas boilers will still be available for some time yet, and it’s important to note that all new, A-rated models are 90% efficient. So, not only will you do your bit to help the planet, but you could see a saving of up to £540 a year*1 on your energy bills.

Get a new hydrogen blend ready boiler from BOXT

If your boiler is on the blink and you’re not sure where to start your search for a new one,

We’re working together with BOXT, one of the largest boiler installation companies in the UK, to help you find the best boiler for your home.

BOXT makes choosing the perfect new boiler for your home easy with a fixed price quote on your screen in just 90 seconds.

*1Based on October 2023 Energy Savings Trust research on the average saving found in a detached house in England, Scotland and Wales when replacing an old gas boiler with a new A-rated condensing boiler with a programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator controls. For more information visit energysavingtrust.org.uk/advice/boilers/

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Biography: Stuart has been Copy Manager and resident Knowledge Hub contributor at HomeServe since 2022.

With vast experience in similar roles, Stuart works alongside the HomeServe technical team and engineers, to research and produce expert driven content for our varied audience.

He didn’t choose the HomeServe life, the HomeServe life chose him.

Qualifications: Over 15 years as a qualified wordsmith
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About the author

Biography: Stuart has been Copy Manager and resident Knowledge Hub contributor at HomeServe since 2022.

With vast experience in similar roles, Stuart works alongside the HomeServe technical team and engineers, to research and produce expert driven content for our varied audience.

He didn’t choose the HomeServe life, the HomeServe life chose him.

Qualifications: Over 15 years as a qualified wordsmith
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